for Sale on Diesel Engine Trader

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Young & Sons Inc.
Young & Sons Inc.
Luoyang Diron Parts Trading Co.,Ltd
Big Bear Engine Company
Young & Sons Inc.
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Customer Testimonials

'Just want to say, I enjoy this site & appreciate the folks who put it together. Keep it going!'

Troy Kuntz, Texas, USA

' is a very good resource. I use it to search for engines I need and have also advertised a Volvo Penta engine and received some genuine inquiries. Our local market is small and helps me to reach a worldwide market.'

Dimitris Constantinou, Limassol, Cyprus

'We had a Mercedes engine in stock for over a year but were unable to sell it in Belgium - it was an unusual specification for generator use. Once we listed it on, we sold it to a customer in England! We get regular inquiries from customers across the world.'

Rob Verhoeven, Hamofa Engines, Belgium


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